1. No export or import shall be made by any person without an Importer-Exporter Code (IEC) Number unless specifically exempted. An Importer/Exporter Code (IEC) number shall be granted on application to the competent authority.
2. The following categories of importers or exporters are exempted from obtaining Importer-Exporter Code Number (IEC) number: • Importers covered by clause 3(1) {except sub-clause (e) and (l)} and exporters covered by clause 3(2) {except sub-clauses (i ) and (k) } of the Foreign Trade (Exemption from application of Rules in certain cases) Order, 1993.
• Ministries/Department of the Central or a State Government.
• Persons importing or exporting goods for their personal use not connected with trade or manufacture or agriculture.
• Persons importing/exporting goods from/to Nepal provided the CIF value of a single consignment does not exceed Indian Rs.25,000/-.
• Persons importing/exporting goods from/to Myanmar through Indo-Myanmar border areas provided the CIF value of a single consignment does not exceed Indian Rs.25,000/-.
3. An IEC Number allotted to an applicant shall be valid for all its branches/divisions/units/factories as indicated on the IEC number.
4. Where an IEC Number is lost or misplaced, the issuing authority may consider requests for grant of a duplicate copy of IEC number, if accompanies by an affidavit.
IDA's 28 State Branches, more than 350 Local branches and 1 Defence branch have a combined membership of over 75,000 dedicated dental professionals.
IDA secures the dignity and honour of its members, besides enhancing the image of the profession. IDA believes in the importance of oral health for each and every individual and leads the efforts towards attaining that goal.
IDA’s aim – optimal oral health for every Indian by 2020.
We hope to be of service to you.
Indian Medical Association is the only representative, national voluntary organisation of Doctors of Modern Scientific System of Medicine, which looks after the interest of doctors as well as the well being of the community at large.
The founding fathers wayback in 1928, while struggling for liberation of the Motherland from British rule simultaneously felt the need of a national organisation of the medical profession. Before that, some members of the profession- a selected few - were members of the British Medical Association, which had opened branches in India to cater to the local needs. These stalwarts, ultimately succeeded in formation of Indian Medical Association and reached an agreement with the British Medical Association that they will have no branch in India, and got mutually affiliated, which relationship continues till today.
Indian Medical Association in the year 1946 helped in organisation of the World body, namely, World Medical Association, and thus became its founder member. As an organisation it has been, and continues to play an important role in its deliberations. It hosted the III World Conference on Medical Education under the joint auspices of W.M.A. and I.M.A. in New Delhi in 1966.
Today, I.M.A. is a well established organisation with it's Headquarters at Delhi and State / Terr. Branches in 29 States and Union Territories. It has over 2,15,000 doctors as its members through more than 1650 active local branches spread all over the country.